Request An Appointment For pet emergencies, please do not fill out this form! Call us directly at (415) 872-1872 or drive to your nearest Pet Emergency Hospital! Please note, this form is to request an appointment and is not a confirmed appointment. One of our Client Service Team Members will be in touch within 48 hours to further discuss the details of your appointment request. Have you been to SFAMC Before? Yes No Which department do you want to schedule an appointment with? --- Please select ---Primary CareOncologyInternal MedicineSurgeryUrgent Care Client Info First & Last Name Primary Owner’s Date of Birth Address Email Phone Number Pet Info Pet Name Sex Male Female Male-neutered Female-neutered Date of Birth or Approximate Age Breed Pet Color Temperament Please list any other veterinary hospitals your pet has been to in the last 5 years Appointment Reason? Preferred days and times for an initial consult or appointment? How did you hear about us? Submit